10011 SE Division #301
(503) 256-2654
The Chiropractic Adjustment is a specialized procedure that increases joint mobility and returns the spinal structures to normal biomechanics. Our doctors utilize the most gentle and modern techniques to achieve the best clinical result.
Ultrasound therapy is one of the most widely used modalities in the treatment of soft tissue injuries. It is a common treatment for injuries sustained in auto accidents and sports injuries. Ultrasound therapy assists in the reduction of swelling and pain control.
Electrotherapy uses electrical energy as a medical treatment. Our clinic utilizes a variety of different modalities which help reduce muscle spasm and assist in the healing of muscles and other soft tissues.
Cold laser therapy is a safe non-invasive therapy that is used in a variety of conditions. We have had success in the treatment of both back and extremity pain including tendonitis, carpal tunnel and plantar fasciitis.
After an injury, rehabilitation and exercise is an integral part of our therapy. In addition to reducing the treatment time, it provides a preventive element to reduce the likelihood of re-injury.
Whether you are a professional or recreational athlete, runner, cyclist, dancer or golfer, we provide an evaluation and programs for optimal biomechanical performance as well as the prevention and treatment of injuries.